Now that your baby is born, you have many things to think about: when to feed him, what if he cries, and most likely how to get rid of those pounds you stored during your pregnancy. This article will provide you with instructions on how to achieve weight loss after childbirth in peace.
If you started your pregnancy at a normal weight and have grown between 11.5 and 16 kg (depending on what your doctor has recommended), you should not take more than a few months to return to your original weight if you watch your diet and do physical exercises.
However, if you were already overweight (a notion defined by calculating your BMI) before pregnancy, or if you had grown to a weight higher than recommended by your doctor, you could take much longer - it can go up to a year - to get back the weight you had before pregnancy. Any weight that you took during the 9 months can stay in your body for a long time if you do not try to lose him.
"It is very important that you lose the weight gained during pregnancy, because if you do nothing to lose, you may greatly to be overweight or obese 15 to 20 years later in your life," says Debra Krummel, PhD student, researcher and professor at the University of Cincinnati (nutrition department).
And although every new mom wants to look back to what it was before pregnancy, one of the most important things to remember is to be patient with yourself. Your favorite star might have lost weight super fast between its exit from the labor room to its drive output or movie, but it probably could not lose that weight in a healthy way for his body.
"All the tabloids are asking:" How has she done to lose weight so quickly after giving birth "but an even more important question should be:" Why she wanted to slim down as fast after pregnancy? '"says Melinda Johnson, M.Sc., researcher, nutritionist and spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). "They do it with diet very, very strict, and many of them do it by making a return to activity before their bodies are really ready for it."
Melinda Johnson advocates a more gradual approach to weight loss after childbirth. "The first thing that new mothers need to have is a certain amount of patience with their bodies," she said. "It took nine months to get there. It should take at least that long to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight."
1) Do not diet
This may seem strange, but dieting could derail your goals to lose weight after giving birth. You feel deprived of your favorite foods while you are already stressed by your new role as a mother might make you gain weight.If after your pregnancy, you return to your healthy eating habits and if you ate your fill, most women find that the weight they had gained during pregnancy is lost naturally enough.
Instead of dieting (as one of the countless diets listed by, we recommend eating a well-balanced variety of foods. Keep a variety of snacks in the house to prevent you from feeling hungry and give you energy throughout the day. Apple slices, carrot sticks, and wheat biscuits are good for snacking.
No matter how much you want to lose weight, try not to eat less than 1800 calories a day, especially if you are breastfeeding.
2) Refill the "super foods"
When you are a new mother, your body needs a maximum of nutritions, especially if you are breastfeeding. Choose foods that provide the most nutrients you need while remaining light in calories and fat.Fish is one of these "super foods" because it is filled with DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), an essential omega-3 fatty acid that helps your baby develop a brain and a healthy nervous system. The best sources of DHA are cold water fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna (canned consume mainly of light tuna because the big tuna tends to be high in mercury).
Milk and yogurt are also super foods because they are high in calcium, you need to maintain strong bones. And do not forget proteins. The lean meat without fat, skinless chicken, and beans are low in fat and high in protein and fiber. These foods are good for you, and fill your stomach for longer.
3) Breastfeed
Breastfeeding can actually help you lose weight. Some studies find that exclusive breastfeeding (without giving bottles) can help you regain your weight before pregnancy faster. But it is also true that other studies find no difference in weight loss after birth between women who breastfeed and those who give the bottle.What is at all certain cases is that breastfeeding is good for your baby, because it stimulates the immune system and provides a number of other important benefits to health. And exclusively breastfeed, you can add to your diet by 300 calories a day bonus (you can even add a few more calories if you have a very greedy baby or twins or triplets, etc.). Just be sure, if you are breastfeeding, you will not use this argument as an excuse to eat whatever you want until a food orgy.
4) Drink lots
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps prevent your body from dehydrating. Water also fills your stomach so you do not eat as much, and some studies have found that water could increase the speed of your metabolism.Whether you need eight glasses a day is recommended not sure, we recommend you to use as a guide the color of your urine and how often you go to the bathroom. If you are drinking enough fluids, your urine should be relatively clear, and you should go to the bathroom about every three to four hours.
5) Move You
Food is important, but it is only part of your weight loss plan after childbirth. You also need to incorporate aerobic and strength exercises using your postpartum to burn calories and keep your muscles and bones strong. Exercise, beyond help you lose weight, offers many benefits to a new mom. Physical exercises help to alleviate depression, help to solve the problem of insomnia ... Move your body helps to relieve stress (or have a new baby in the house can be stressful at times).You do not have to go to the gym to get in shape after pregnancy. A brisk walk with your baby in the stroller is enough to work on the pumping system and the muscles of your heart. You should walk (fast pace) with your baby in the stroller at least 150 minutes per week. With a new baby, find 30 minutes a row free may not be possible, so we suggest you break this time into 3 phases of 10 minutes. Then try to find your mom stride and a hole in the schedule to go down to 20 to 30 minutes sessions.
Taking care of a baby all day is already a physical exercise in itself, but you still need to add exercise to improve strength. Use light weights - or even two cans - as training tools. Many fitness clubs offer type workouts "mommy and me" that will incorporate your baby into your regular workout. But before beginning any exercise program, consult your doctor for advice, especially if you have had a caesarean section.
6) Sleep slightly
It may seem impossible to have a sleep eight hours a night when you have your baby convenes regularly throughout the night, but being deprived of sleep may make it harder for you to lose weight gained during pregnancy. In one study, new mothers who slept five hours or less a night were more likely to keep their extra weight gained during the nine months that women who slept seven hours.When you are tired, your body releases cortisol and other stress hormones that can promote weight gain. Similarly, when you are exhausted, you do not have the impression that you take care of yourself. You are less likely to choose healthy foods. You are more likely to want to buy food in a fast food or food ready to eat rays supermarkets (which are processed food, high in fat and carbohydrates, so are not suitable for your goal of losing weight). You are also less likely to engage in physical exercise.
Friends or family members may have already told you to "sleep when your baby sleeps", and this is good advice. Make the most possible nap during the day and early to bed, at least until your baby starts to sleep at night.
7) Ask for help
If you have trouble reaching weight loss after delivery desired, ask for help from your doctor and a dietician. The dietitian can help you design a diet plan that will allow you to lose extra pounds effectively and safely while your doctor can guide you on the amount of weight you need to lose and when you can start doing exercise.What do you think of these 7 tips to lose weight after pregnancy? Read the comments below or share your opinion about this page. If you enjoyed this article, thank you recommend it on Facebook, to the tweeter, to give it a vote +1 on Google Plus.