Friday, March 27, 2015

Tricks and tips to select the sex of her child

If you already have 2 girls and you want a boy, there are technical, scientific and serious. This concerns the dates sex, diet ... what principles underlying these little "tricks" that "select" the gender of your future child?

It's old dream has always men dream of being able to choose the sex of their children. While some methods have been validated scientifically, we must keep in mind is that no technical 100% reliable.

About diet

"To generate a daughter, mom should have a diet rich in calcium and low in salt. Conversely, for a boy, a salty diet and potassium is recommended without ... "Where does this method based on food?

This time, it is the chemical properties (rather than physical) of the cervical mucus that come in. In overall acidic pH outside the ovulatory period, it becomes basic for a few days of the menstrual cycle, in order, there Again, the passage of sperm for possible fertilization.

A specific maternal nutrition could slightly change the pH and promote the passage of a particular type of sperm. A diet low in salt and high in calcium, acidify the mucus, thus ensuring that only the passage of gametes carrying the X chromosome, more resistant. So consume dairy products, vegetables, fish and eggs to give birth to a girl. A diet rich in sodium and potassium changes less pH. With the latter, all sperm support the alkalinity of the vaginal environment and fastest will therefore preferred for fertilization. Sausage, meat and smoked fish are therefore guarantee a male line.

Before or after ovulation?

Wish for children - Techniques to choose the sex of their child "To conceive a baby boy, better hug at the time of ovulation or days, and for a little girl a few days before." This is what advocates sex selection technique based on the dates of sex. By the way, why do we say that?

Not so far-fetched, this saying is in fact based on the physical properties of the cervical mucus, the whitish sticky secretion that facilitates the passage of sperm into the uterus.

During the menstrual cycle, the consistency of the cervical mucus changes. Before ovulation, the mucus mesh screen off the most resistant sperm and only come to the cross. In times of ovulation, the mesh is released and all the spermatozoa in the semen can pass through. But the "little swimmers" were not all the same properties ...

Holders of the X chromosome, which lead to the formation of a female embryo, are slower and stronger than the holders of the Y chromosome And since only the nature of the sperm determines the sex of the embryo, the specifics of these gametes are decisive.

Faster, holders of the Y chromosome sperm would be favored during sex performed after ovulation, while carrying the X chromosome would be privileged during intercourse performed before ovulation! It remains to determine the exact date of ovulation and to get you can bring to your temperature curve or a urine test, more reliable.

And intensity in?

Knowing all that, we will not be surprised to learn that the intensity of penetration also important ...

A shallow penetration ovulatory period would promote sperm able to travel a longer distance without "exhausting". Under these conditions, the most resistant, holders of an X chromosome could reach the egg to fertilize it. Penetration "normal" and in turn would benefit the design of small boys.

Download the guide of chinese gender predictor :

Gender baby

Gender program selection

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