Such as tobacco, sugar rose from guilty pleasure to morbid habit that is beginning to worry physicians, Gwyneth Paltrow, but also all those who have developed a healthy conscience. We tested the "sugar detox".
It is as addictive as cocaine, accelerates aging of the skin, promotes memory loss and deregulates moods much more than critical state of PMS (premenstrual syndrome).
We obviously talking sugar, this best pervert friend who supports us in hard times and seal the best deals with wayward children. After the gluten-free diet, the new health trend is to impose a "sugar detox." And in the 2014 version, it is no longer banish cupcakes. The new anti-sugar movement is fighting against his hidden presence in 80% of food products in supermarkets: yogurt, pie dough, tomato sauce or Special K. The psychosis begins to spread, not only in the US or the United Kingdom, where the average daily sugar consumption per capita is approaching twenty teaspoonfuls. The YouTube video alerting about the dangers of sugar, Sugar: The Bitter Truth has already been viewed over five million times. And literature to say goodbye to the poison invading bookstores.
In Year of No Sugar, O. Eve Schaub, an American mother, tells how after seeing this video, she has decided to impose his family a full year without sugar. The result: a stronger immune system than an Inuit people and a strong distaste for fructose tastes. I Quit Sugar, best-selling to win in eight weeks, allowed its author Sarah Wilson, an Australian journalist, becoming downright "friendlier, healthier and thinner." Introducing myself symptoms "sugarholic" (permanent lethargy, aggressiveness without my daily fix of cookies, wriggling on each pass before a bakery), I decided to wean myself. And, in the most radical way possible, with shock Program The Blood Sugar Solution, "21-Day Detox Diet" proposed by By Diane Sanfilippo, personal doctor of Clinton and prolific author of books to rebalance its rates glucose. Account of these ten days hovering between Dante's Inferno and blissful times.
The 21-Day Sugar Detox is for you if you want…
… to kick your sugar cravings to the curb, for good!
… to look better, feel better and think more clearly.
… to experience more accountability and individualized support.
… to embark on this journey together with your family.
… to clean up your diet to and reach the next level with your athletic performance
– I’ve got modifications just for you!
… to grow a healthy baby and have a healthy pregnancy, but are tentative about embarking on this journey alone. You will feel more confident knowing what to expect through each trimester a nd of course, when the baby comes!
… guidance on how to kick sugar cravings with an autoimmune condition.
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