Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cinnamon, this spice stabilizes blood sugar

In one generation, the incidence of type 2 diabetes worldwide has increased fivefold. This is a disaster.

While our contemporaries think they can "cure" chemical swallowing pills, the truth is that treating diabetes is mostly a disease of lifestyle.

The main way to prevent diabetes is a diet low glycemic index, ie based foods that do not turn too quickly into glucose, and therefore does not cause brutal insulin spike.

But eating more cinnamon may also reduce your risk of diabetes, helping you to stabilize your blood sugar.

The BEST antioxidants

Cinnamon is one of the most antioxidant-rich plants in the world with an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity, a measure of antioxidant capacity in vitro) of 267.536, which is huge (one hundred times the grenade!).

She has been a near-reverence in most major civilizations for its warm, sweet taste and subtle aroma - which adds much to the pleasure of eating.

Cinnamon helps to stabilize blood sugar by stimulating insulin receptors and increase their sensitivity to this hormone that lowers blood glucose (sugar level in the blood). In response, the body needs less produce insulin to cause the same effect. This relieves the pancreas, stimulates metabolism, and reduces inflammation.

Cinnamon contains 0.5 to 1% of powerful essential oils known for their anti-microbial factors, very effective in stopping the growth of bacteria and yeast, including Candida albicans.

Cinnamon has three major oils which contain active compounds called cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol. The cinnamic aldehyde has been studied by researchers for its ability to block the issuance of inflammatory agents in the cell membrane.

As if that was not enough, the only scent of cinnamon powerfully stimulates the brain regions of concentration and memory.

Treat your friends

Do not hesitate to sprinkle cinnamon many of your dishes.

If it is customary in Europe and North America, using cinnamon to sweet preparations (in cookies, apple pies on, compotes, on ice, in chocolate desserts) is Unlike in North Africa and East, where it is in savory dishes that it is the most widely used, particularly with meat and poultry (think delicious Moroccan pastilla).

Cinnamon powder resents overcooking. It is best to add it after cooking, unlike sticks that are more resistant to long cooking.

Put cinnamon in your dishes will delight your guests, because it is a stimulant of the salivary glands and gastric mucosa. Your guests will also be happier after your meal as cinnamon helps digestion, the expulsion of gas and calm the spasms of the stomach and intestines.

Cinnamon keeps cool, protected from light and sealed to reduce oxidation of its powerful nutrients. Cinnamon powder keeps 6 months, cinnamon sticks about a year. If your cinnamon has no sweet smell, you will unfortunately discard and replace.

What cinnamon choose?

Cinnamon, before being pulverized, is in the form of longitudinally wound rod as cigarette paper. This is actually pieces of dried bark of the cinnamon tree, a tree of the tropical parts of Asia.

The most popular are those cinnamon Ceylon and China, which produce different cinnamon from one to another.

Ceylon cinnamon is tan and rods are made of very thin layers. Chinese cinnamon is of a darker red color and the rods are thicker. The latter also has a more bitter taste less sweet.

The main difference between the two is the content of coumarin. Coumarin thins the blood and cinnamon China, also called "Brain" is much stronger coumarin and should be used in moderation compared to the true Ceylon cinnamon.

Half a teaspoon of cinnamon day is enough to reap all the benefits mentioned in this letter.

And finally, a little story ...

"Take a good bloody sheep neighborhood ..."

In the Encyclopedia Britannica, it is written that cinnamon was once more valuable than gold. It is true that Moses prescribed the use of cinnamon in the manufacture of the holy oil, and that King Solomon himself used it in his precious perfumes. Cinnamon was also the largest source of profit for the Dutch merchants of the East India Company (who knew it), but I doubt that this statement on gold and cinnamon of the Encyclopedia Britannica, which also not cite his sources, is accurate.

Anyway, my story is not from there but from Herodotus, the Greek historian who lived in the 5th century BC (it was he who told in his stories that the ancient Egyptians did everything backwards, and particularly how they urinate According to him, the men urinated sitting, standing women; it has nothing to do with cinnamon but it struck me when I read it, adolescent).

In ancient times, therefore, cinnamon was imported by caravans from mysterious and remote regions of Asia. Herodotus, who had never gone so far and wondered why cinnamon was so dear, had made explain it by a merchant joker:

According to him, no human knew whence cinnamon. By cons, large birds sewed in their nests flank too steep cliffs to be achieved by man.

The collection of this unique herb therefore required to charge large pieces of meat which, deposited at the foot of the mountain, were swept away by the great birds to their nests. Too fragile to support the extra weight, they collapsed, finally delivering their precious materials to harvest!

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