Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How to detoxify the pancreas?

The pancreas is a teardrop-shaped organ that lies in the duodenum, which is essential for digestion and to produce enzymes. If he is intoxicated or inflamed, foods then become difficult to digest. So it is worth to take care of and make a cleansing diet occasionally.

The purifier system for pancreatic

How our pancreas can it ignite or intoxication? Our diet is always the first factor when our organs begin to function less well. But there are also external elements, as found in the environment, which can alter their functionality. All this causes hormonal imbalances in the pancreas as well as diseases such as diabetes. The pancreas must be detoxified regularly to stay healthy. Here we will explain how.

Say Goodbye to toxins through medicinal plants

The first step to respect to purify the pancreas is the elimination of alcohol, tobacco, and all that is akin to junk food in our diet. We know that quitting smoking is always difficult but it is worth it. These are years of life than we earn. Also reduce ingestion of flour, sugar, cakes, etc. All this will make you feel much better. There are also a number of wonderful herbs that help to purify the pancreas.

Ginger tea: it désenflamme, purify our body. It is also a good sedative and antioxidant.

Green tea: you can take breakfast or afternoon. He brings a great dose of fantastic antioxidants that purify the pancreas.

The infusion licorice: This is a very digestible root that promotes the production of bile, which helps to digest food. It is ideal.

Water and adequate juice

It would be ideal to follow this detoxing diet for at least 10 days. Start the day with a glass of lemon juice and warm water, a kiwi and a cup of oats. It is necessary to drink each day two liters of water and eat before all fruit and vegetables. Increase your dose of green vegetables rich in vitamin B, and all these antioxidants and fruit full of vitamins, such as papaya, orange, strawberries. Pineapple and papaya juice are also recommended for the pancreas, although the kiwifruit is by far the most suitable fruit.

The benefits of a shower or a hot bath

Perhaps this will surprise you, but take a shower or a hot bath every day stimulates our digestion and improves the health of the pancreas. This enables operation. Don't hesitate to take a warm bath before going to bed, it will relax you and help you get to sleep more easily, and more significantly enable the features of the pancreas.

Listen to your emotions and reduce stress

It may seem silly and yet it is not. Keep in mind that through periods of anxiety or stress will increase the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This causes a lot of damage in us. Negative emotions, worries alter our basic functions, affecting digestion, for example, raising the risk of inflammation in our intestines, our colon etc. All this will also generate disturbances in the pancreas, which can stop release enzymes in our stomach. This must be taken into account: so try to relax, take time for you to walk, eat well ... Finally, take care of your pancreas does not cost anything.

Did You Know That You can :

  • Normalize Blood Sugar Level
  • Reverse Causes of Diabetes
  • Stimulate Pancreas to Produce More Insulin
  • Lower Blood Sugar Naturally
  • Eliminate Diabetes

stimulate pancreas to produce more insulin

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