Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The vegetarian mothers have more girls?

Even before she becomes pregnant, the diet of a woman of some importance for the future baby. And sometimes the effects can be quite unexpected: Vegetarian design easier ... girls!

Boy or girl? Classic question that haunts all parents early in pregnancy. And as the man does not like to rely on the laws of chance, couples have always looked for a way to influence the sex of the child. Where grandma remedies do not necessarily prove themselves, science could provide a solution.

"100 girls for 85 boys"

In fact, a British study has shown that dietary practices influence the sex of the future child. The authors of the study, Pauline Hudson and Rosemary Buckley, have indeed studied 5,942 pregnancies (Great Britain). Initially, their goal was to check the hemoglobin and iron deficiency in women, according to their diet. Their observations included 250 vegetarian mothers.

In the general population is born statistically a little more boys than girls (106 boys to 100 girls in England). However, the two scientists noticed that 55% of vegetarian mothers gave birth to female babies (85 boys to 100 girls). The results were similar in this study by including additional 150 vegetarian.

More milk and salt?

The influence of diet was mainly evaluated by a French researcher, Professor Joseph Stolkowski. He is the author of several studies on the subject, in animals and in humans, published in 1970 and 1980. According to him, to have a boy, it is necessary that the mother has a low calcium diet and high in sodium, that is to say poor dairy products and high in salt. Conversely, if it wants a girl, she must consume a lot of milk and cheese, and eat very little salt, all this several weeks before conception. These findings have been refuted by other studies and currently remain controversial.

In this case, they can not explain the findings of the UK study: vegetarian mothers do not eat a priori more salt or more dairy products.

Doped sperm to the salad?

The explanation of the influence of a vegetarian diet on the child's gender is unclear.

Theoretically, it would rather be the man to change his diet: it is his sperm that will decide the child's sex. Unless the mother's diet will affect the ability of some movement at the expense of others: "male" sperm would thus be more "slow down" in the uterus that their "feminine" counterparts. Unless this is the "female" who find themselves doped green vegetables?

Mothers do not plan to become vegetarian for girls: if pregnancy can happen smoothly under this regime, a balanced diet is indispensable.

Download the ultime guide to increase the chance of having a baby boy or girl :

Gender baby

Gender program selection

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